
Showing posts from July, 2023


ANAHUAC COSMOLOGY BY OLIN TEZCATLIPOCA  Understanding The Misconceptions, Misunderstandings, Mistranslations, Misinterpretations, And Misuse Of The Empirical Science That Is Anahuac Theology—What Is Mislabeled As Aztec Religion THE FIRST STEP: STUDY AS A BEGINNING TO THE SCIENCE OF OUR ANAHUAC THEOLOGY Anahuac theology is the scientific study of the Creator of the Universe. Anahuac theology is the accumulated knowledge of thousands of years of Nican Tlaca civilizations. It is a research and study of the universe; Indigenous research and study of the universe; the scientific study of the universe by our ancestors...on this continent. It is a science with proof and measure, documentation and logic—with a solid foundation. Our ancestors studied Our Creator by studying all of the details of the universe. The proof of this is found in large or small measure at every archeological site, in the details of our literature, in the intricacies of our art and architecture,