Gigantic head of Hueyápan". Reproduction in the 1877 edition of Mexico through the centuries . Reprography: MAP / Raíces. Ark of Historical Collections of the Francisco Xavier Clavigero Library, Universidad Iberoamericana.

DNA studies and the origin of the Olmecs
 "Gigantic head of Hueyápan". Reproduction in the 1877 edition of Mexico through the centuries . Reprography: MAP / Raíces. Ark of Historical Collections of the Francisco Xavier Clavigero Library, Universidad Iberoamericana.

Enrique Villamar Becerril

 Creators of a culture in which they left an original display of prodigious creativity and talent, the first interpretation relative to the Olmecs addressed their possible ethnic origin, based on their most distinctive stone manifestation: a colossal head, Monument A of Tres Zapotes, according to their subsequent classification.

The proposal dates back to 1871 when, ironically, the Olmec did not figure in the panorama of archaeological cultures in Mexico. During a tour of Veracruz, José Melgar, interested in antiquities, learned of the fortuitous discovery of a huge stone sculpture by peasants on a farm in Hueyapan, today Tres Zapotes. Unprecedented for a similar piece in the then corpus of pre-Hispanic sculpture, José Melgar saw an unusual, surprising and enigmatic demonstration of the inexhaustible cultural wealth that awaited on Mexican soil. Skilled craftsmen detailed the racial physiognomy of the face sculpted in the stone, Melgar considered. In this he saw reliable evidence of transoceanic contacts, long before Columbus, which led to the presence of black individuals in America. With the years, The idea of ​​the African origin of the Olmecs persists in the thinking of many people, since the same facial features that caused Melgar's amazement ended up being the constant in Olmec monuments. It remained to be known what information the skeletal remains could provide.

In the investigations of the San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán Archaeological Project at the sites of San Lorenzo and Loma del Zapote, several human burials from the Olmec period were located. The bone consistency in two of them allowed the successful study of their mitochondrial DNA, as part of an investigation that proposes the comparative analysis of the genetic information of the Olmecs with that obtained from subjects from other Mesoamerican societies, under the advice of the specialists María de Lourdes Muñoz Moreno and Miguel Moreno Galeana, from Cinvestav.

In the cells of our body there are two types of DNA. The nuclear, represented by chromosomes, and the mitochondrial. Mitochondria are small organelles external to the nucleus, responsible for producing the energy required by cellular metabolism. Mitochondrial DNA (MTDNA), contrary to nuclear, is inherited only through the mother to sons and daughters, and they have been the only ones to transmit it throughout the history of mankind. Therefore, mitochondrial lineages, called haplogroups given their uniparental (maternal) origin, are so ancestral that they transcend geographic, cultural, and temporal boundaries. This property of the ADNMT offers anthropology a means to trace the historical development of contemporary and also past populations. Thanks to this, the repertoire of maternal lineages is known on a global scale,

Enrique Villamar Becerril. Physical anthropologist by the ENAH. Candidate for a doctorate in Mesoamerican Studies (UNAM), with an analysis of MTDNA in skeletal remains from various sites of the Preclassic period.


Villamar Becerril, Enrique, "DNA studies and the origin of the Olmecs", Mexican Archeology no. 150, pp. 40-41.


Saturday, September 11th, 2021

Colonial Yucatan, in the second half of the 1700s, had two African settlements or villages by the name of San Francisco de Paula and San Fernando Ake which have a very interesting history. However, in my curiosity to know about the Olmecs, I came across the following information which I would like to share with you, our dear readers of this column. It is as follows:


UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
February 9, 2020

• University archaeologists discard the theory that the oldest civilization in Mesoamerica has its roots in Africa

• They carried out studies of mitochondrial DNA in human remains found in archaeological sites in Veracruz

• They confirm that the Olmecs belong to one of the most abundant groups among the population’s founders and indigenous people of America

The origin of the colossal Olmec heads is not African, as has been rumored for 150 years, but Mesoamerican, said Ann Cyphers, an academic at the Institute of Anthropological Research (IIA) of the UNAM, who together with her collaborators have carried out studies of mitochondrial DNA that prove the identity of the Olmecs, the oldest civilization in these lands. The expert recalled that the theories of African origin and transoceanic migrations are deeply rooted in the collective imagination, so “it has been very difficult to shake off these ideas.” Ann Cyphers, discoverer in 1994 of the most recent of the 17 Olmec heads known so far, found in the archaeological site of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, in Veracruz, explained that this thesis dates from 1869 and was proposed by José María Melgar y Serrano, who reported the first colossal head (called Hueyapan), in what is now Tres Zapotes, Veracruz. “At that time the existence of the Olmec culture was not known, and Melgar proposed that the features of the sculptures corresponded to characters from Ethiopia, black people, more than anything because of the facial features. Hence this speculation was born and a controversy was formed that haunts us in Olmec archeology”.

For the researcher, the wide and flattened features of the faces of the colossal heads are explained by the fact that the thrones of the rulers, which were large prisms, were recycled to make the sculptures. Reusing the thrones was important, because in addition to being a symbol of the ruler, this prevented bringing more rocks from other towns. Since they wanted the head to be as large as possible, they accommodated the image of the ruler in the prism and the face was deformed. “That greatly clarifies the why of the compressed features. It is understood, for example, the nose and the wide mouth, because no head has projecting elements, everything is compact, glued, it is part of the prism”.

DNA studies

In excavations carried out over the years at Olmec sites and scientifically studying various pieces of that civilization, university archaeologists have found no African artifacts; This is a first line of investigation that discards the origin in that continent. The second line contemplates DNA studies, which before could not be done because there were no Olmec burials, “the ones that had been found were in dust. But we found some in San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, and Enrique Villamar Becerril, a collaborator of my group, did the study of mitochondrial DNA”, he explained. In this regard, Villamar indicated that two burials were sampled: one in Loma del Zapote (dating from 1,200 BC) and another in San Lorenzo (1,000 BC). “From these two individuals, a bone sample was taken from the rib and underwent a procedure to obtain their mitochondrial DNA, the lineage that the mother provides to an individual, because it is more feasible to recover it from archaeological remains.” This is how he managed to classify that genetic information, called haplogroup. “The genetic diversity of mitochondrial DNA can be classified according to the similarities that exist in various individuals, and they may share some mutations that make them different from other individuals in different geographic regions of the world.”

These differences make it possible to define which group they belong to, and thus mitochondrial DNA is classified into haplogroups. “We obtained the haplogroup of these two subjects and we learned that they belong to A, one of the most abundant among the founding and indigenous populations of America. If they had been Africans, the haplogroup would be L, which is characteristic of these populations”, he highlighted. Furthermore, Cyphers noted, if there were African genetic material in the Olmecs, it would not only be seen in burials, but in later populations, since haplogroup L (which was not found here) would have been preserved. In 300 Mesoamerican burials from different periods it is not present.” Regarding the discovery of the colossal head 17, he commented: “We were looking for houses and suddenly it appeared, it was like a dream. Each new thing contributes to changing the perception of what that culture was like”. Describing the Olmecs, Cyphers said: they were “the first civilization of Mesoamerica, powerful rulers; in a word, a civilization”.



The origin of the Olmecs is not in Africa but in America: Ann Cyphers The Chronicle of Today / The Chronicle of Today

01/24/2020 03:45

The origin of the Olmecs is not in Africa but in America, the appearance of the elongated and chubby faces of this culture located in Veracruz and Tabasco is due to the fact that the inhabitants were subjected from babies to a cranial modification and the sculptures of the heads colossal were probably sculpted to preserve the portrait of the Olmec rulers.

Those were the hypotheses raised yesterday by Ann Cyphers, a researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, during the conference The Olmec Colossal Heads, the first activity of the cycle Archeology today, organized at El Colegio Nacional by the archaeologist and Chronicle Prize winner, Leonardo López Luján .

One of the first questions asked by the also 2019 winner of the Prize awarded by the Shanghai Archaeological Forum was whether the colossal heads are linked to an African origin, as was raised in the mid-20th century, when the first head was found.

“The first was found in 1862, in Hueyapan, Veracruz. Later, the collector José María Melgar y Serrano went to see it and said that it was an Ethiopian type but at that time nothing was known about the Olmecs, it was an isolated discovery, and it could not refer to other cultures of Mesoamerica because there was nothing similar, then he had to look for associations ”.

From that moment on, the controversies of the Olmecs and their possible origin in Africa began, for which reason - recently - studies have been carried out to see if there are African objects in the Olmec sites and the result has been null. Another line of research has been to obtain DNA from Olmec burials, but there is also no evidence of African contact.

“In San Lorenzo we found Olmec burials and a DNA study was done and none of them have African DNA. The origin of the Olmecs is not in Africa but in America ”, he said.

The second question answered by Ann Cyphers was why do Olmec faces have a long head with a flat back, slanted eyes, a broad nose, chubby cheeks, and a mouth with downward corners?

“They weren't born looking like this. All this is the result of the modification of the skull and the modification changes the features of the face, so the look has a lot to do with the modification of the skull ”, he pointed out.

This modification was made when the Olmecs were born. “Adults have hard heads, but babies have soft heads and bones are easily moldable. A baby cannot decide if he wants to have that appearance and a modified head, that is the decision of his parents and his society, because it has to do with identity "

That modification is related to the cycle of life, he added. “It was necessary to have this deformation to be able to participate in the ritual cycles of life, how about someone not being able to marry the love of their life. When a society has a population, more than 90%, with a type of cranial modification, it is indicating that it is a decision that goes beyond the family ”.

PICTURES. Another aspect that Cyphers explained was the meaning of the sculptures of the colossal heads, since in his opinion they correspond to the portrait of Olmec rulers.

"They are portraits of the rulers, who else could make their portrait in a colossal way? Who else had the resources to make something so great and move them from the area of the Tuxtlas to the Olmec capitals?"

According to comparative studies made on the 10 heads found in San Lorenzo, four in La Venta and three in Tres Zapotes, they indicate that in addition to sharing a prismatic shape and being cross-eyed, they wear a helmet and ornaments that signify government.

The researcher pointed out that there was a sculpture of a throne that was the seat of the rulers, which was recycled to create colossal heads.

“It was transformed from throne to head and could have been done at the death of a ruler because it would become his portrait. It may be that at the time they were leaving the thrones, they began to make portraits of the ancestral rulers. That is, recycling to commemorate the ruler ”, he highlighted.

During the conference, Leonardo López Luján invited attendees to attend some current exhibitions: Azteken at the Linden Museum, Stuttgart; Tetzáhuitl. The omens of the conquest of Mexico and Luz de inside. Offering to the Templo Mayor, in the Templo Mayor Museum.



Dwayne Wong (Omowale)

Debunking The Black Indian Myth: From They Came Before Columbus to Hidden Color. 

Dwayne Wong (Omowale)

In They Came Before Columbus, Ivan Van Sertima put forward the argument that African people were in the Americas long before Columbus was. There are some problems with this theory. In the first place, there are no Egyptian historical records which suggest that the Egyptians ever sailed to America or even attempted such a journey. In They Came Before Columbus, Van Sertima argues that Egyptian journey to the Americas happened during the rule of the 25th dynasty, which was the Kushite dynasty that ruled Egypt. Van Sertima never explained why he selected this particular dynasty, but his reasoning for doing so is important because he later altered the date in African Presence in Early America to “948 or circa 1000 B.C.” Van Sertima was forced to alter his thesis in light of new evidence which demonstrated that the Olmec civilization was older than was originally believed, which leads me to the next issue.

Because the Olmec civilization is one that has been largely shrouded in mystery, there have been a number of theories about the historical roots of the Olmec. Van Sertima was among those who argued that the Olmec had African origins, whereas others such as Mike Xu have argued that the Olmec civilization has Asian roots. Not only because of the apparent Asian features of some of the Olmec sculptures, but Xu also attempted to draw a connection between the Olmec script and Chinese characters.

Mike Xu’s chart comparing the Olmec script with Chinese characters

Below are pictures of various Olmec sculptures.

There have been a number of diffusion theories regarding the Olmec. Van Sertima’s case in They Came Before Columbus is the best known, certainly not the only one. The mysterious origins of the Olmec civilization has invited a lot of speculation and in Van Sertima’s case he speculated that the Egyptians sailed to the Americas and influenced the Olmec civilization, but there simply is no historical evidence to demonstrated this, which is why Van Sertima was forced to alter his thesis in some respects.

Van Sertima also argued it was Columbus himself who suggested that Africans were in the Americas before he was. Van Sertima makes this claim at the very beginning of the video below.

Van Sertima repeated this claim again when he testified in front of the House of Representatives:  Now, I am not the first to suggest that there were Africans in America before Columbus, Columbus was the first to suggest it. Columbus actually said in the journal of his second voyage when he was in Haiti, then known as Espanola, Native Americans came to him and told him that Black people had come in large boats from the south and southeast trading in gold-tipped metal spears. Probably Columbus did not believe this and that fact in itself would not be enough because the so-called Black people could be any people. It could be dark, bronze people from South America. However, Columbus actually sent back on a mail boat to Spain, samples of these gold-tipped metal spears. When the metallurgists in Spain assayed these spears, they found they were identical, not similar, but were identical in their ratio of gold, silver and copper alloys as spears then being forged in African Guinea.
I want to make a point of clarification here. Columbus never claimed that he saw black people in the Americas. Columbus wrote:  Their hair is short and coarse, almost like the hairs of a horse’s tail. They wear the hairs brought down to the eyebrows, except a few locks behind, which they wear long and never cut. They paint themselves black, and they are the color of the Canarians, neither black nor white. Some paint themselves white, others red, and others of what color they find. Some paint their faces, others the whole body, some only round the eyes, others only on the nose.                                                                                                                                                           The description that Columbus gives certainly is not a description of black people in the Caribbean. In fact, Columbus writes that they were not black. Van Sertima claims to be referencing Columbus, but he is actually referencing Bartolomé de Las Casas’ writings. De Las Casas gave this description in his account of Columbus’ voyage:

Wednesday, July 4, he ordered sail made from that island in which he says that since he arrived there he never saw the sun or the stars, but that the heavens were covered with such a thick mist that it seemed they could cut it with a knife and the heat was so very intense that they were tormented, and he ordered the course laid to the way of the south-west, which is the route leading from these islands to the south, in the name, he says, of the Holy and Indivisible Trinity, because then he would be on a parallel with the land of the sierra of Loa and cape of Sancta Ana in Guinea, which is below the equinoctial line, where he says that below that line of the world are found more gold and things of value; and that after, he would navigate, the Lord pleasing, to the west, and from there would go to this Española, in which route he would prove the theory of the King John aforesaid; and that he thought to investigate the report of the Indians of this Española who said that there had come to Española from the south and south-east, a black people who have the tops of their spears made of a metal which they call guanin, of which he had sent samples to the Sovereigns to have them assayed, when it was found that of 32 parts, 18 were of gold, 6 of silver and 8 of copper.

Neither Columbus nor de Las Casas wrote anything about African spears. This is an inference that Van Sertima makes, but he presents his inference as a fact. Nowhere does de Las Casas suggest that spears he was referring to were identical or even similar to spears in West Africa. Moreover, how would he have known? Did the Spanish also assay the spears of West Africa to know what ratio of gold, silver and copper alloys were found in the African spears? Van Sertima does not say, but he jumps the conclusion that the spears that were sent to Spain were African spears without providing a basis for why he believes so.

A second problem with the manner in which Van Sertima uses this piece of information is the assumption that the black people whom de Las Casas refers to were African. Columbus was quoted before as noting that the natives sometimes painted themselves black, so for all we know the black people being referred to were people who were painted black as opposed to black skinned people. Even Van Sertima himself admits that the people who were trading these spears could be dark bronze people from South America as opposed to African.

Van Sertima’s scholarship was flawed in many respects, but he made an attempt to challenge the racist scholarship of his time. Unfortunately, the scholarship that he has inspired has tended to be of a worse quality than Van Sertima’s was. For example, whereas Van Sertima argued that Africans influenced the civilization of the Americas, Clyde Ahmad Winters goes further by suggesting that Africans founded the Olmec and all other major American civilization, which is a claim that Van Sertima never made. Winters writes:

The first civilization to appear in America, called the Olmec culture was founded by Africans…The original Maya were probably Africans…The Aztecs, Zapotecs, Toltecs, and Maya usually occupied urban centers built by Africans, or Afro-Indians.

Hidden Colors also makes the argument that Africans were in the Americas before Columbus. In the documentary, Umar Johnson claims that Africans were going back and forth engaging in cultural and economic trade before Columbus. In How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Walter Rodney explained that “if any African canoes reached the Americas (as is sometimes maintained) they did not establish two-way links.” If these two-way links were established, Umar fails to cite specific examples because there are no examples. This two-way trade never happened. Phil Valentine is even more confused. In the documentary he says that Mansa Musa is the same person as Montezuma. This statement is horribly misinformed. Mansa Musa never sailed to America. Mansa Musa took the throne after the previous ruler, Abu Bakr II, went on an expedition to sail the Atlantic Ocean. He never returned, though some (including Van Sertima) argued that he arrived in the Americas. Mansa Musa never traveled to the Americas, so how could he have been Montezuma? The two likely were not even alive at the same time period.

I am not completely dismissive of the idea that Abu Bakr could have in fact successfully arrived in the Americas. Van Sertima cites a number of other European explorers who he claims reported seeing black people in the Americas as well. I am not suggesting that no African people were in the Americas before Columbus. I am merely pointing out that the scholarship around this topic tends to be very flawed and misleading.

One of the most baffling claims to me is the idea that the slave trade happened in reverse and that Native Americans were shipped to Africa, not the other way around. There’s not a shred of evidence to prove this. Moreover, the slave narratives all make it very clear that the enslaved population in the Americas came from Africa — so much so that in Cuba some enslaved persons committed suicide, in hope that their spirit would return to Africa.

Despite this, some individuals would argue:

A mass colony of Africans were not shipped from Africa to America. The truth is that Black Indians were shipped from America to Europe! They were then shipped from Spain to Africa as commodity for African resources. These Black Indians, now mistaken as African Americans, were shipped back to America and classified as “African Slaves.” This part of our history is what the school systems fail to mention in history programs.

What would the point of shipping Black Indians to Europe then to Africa and then back to America again be? Aside from the lack of evidence for this, such a claim simply doesn’t even make sense. I noted before that Van Sertima’s claims were flawed in some respects, but his arguments were still logical in certain respects and he did attempt to provide documentation for at least some of his claims — even if at times the documentation he presented was misleading. But the claims presented in Hidden Colors and the claims presented by others who promote the notion of Black aboriginals are so misinformed that in many cases they just seem nonsensical.

Dwayne is the author of several books on the history and experiences of African people, both on the continent and in the diaspora. His books are available through AmazonYou can also follow Dwayne on Facebook and Twitter

Dwayne Wong (Omowale) is a Guyanese born Pan-Africanist, author, and law student.


Archaeological Accuracies

Olmec heads are Mesoamerican

The archaeologist Ann Cyphers and her collaborators have carried out modern studies of mitochondrial DNA that verify the identity

ORA new finding by the working group of archaeologist Ann Cyphers, an academic at the Institute for Anthropological Research (IIA), assures that the origin of the colossal Olmec heads is not African, as has been rumored for 150 years, but Mesoamerican.

Discoverer in 1994 of the most recent of the 17 Olmec heads known so far, found in the archaeological site of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, in Veracruz, Cyphers and his collaborators have carried out modern studies of mitochondrial DNA that verify the Mesoamerican identity of that civilization, the oldest of these lands.


Cyphers stated that the thesis of African origin dates from 1869 and was proposed by José María Melgar y Serrano, who reported the first colossal head (called Hueyapan) in what is now Tres Zapotes, in Veracruz.

At that time, the existence of the Olmec culture was not known and Melgar proposed that the features of the sculptures corresponded to characters from Ethiopia, black people, more than anything because of the facial features. From there that speculation was born and a controversy was formed that haunts us in Olmec archeology, ”said Cyphers.

For the researcher, the broad and flattened features of the faces of the colossal heads are explained because the great thrones of the Olmec rulers, which were large prisms, were recycled to make the sculptures.

“For the Olmecs, reusing the thrones was important because it was a symbol of the ruler and because they avoided bringing more rock from other populations, but they wanted the head to be as big as possible within what was the throne. Then they accommodated the portrait of the ruler within that prism (which was the throne) and the face deformed a little, so that it would remain within the material they already had, since the transformation of the throne to said portrait, which was this great sculpture, was symbolic. of the head.

“That clarifies to a great extent why the features are compressed, since they had to remove a face from the original piece of the throne. Thus, for example, the nose and the wide mouth are understood, as no head has protruding elements, everything is compact, glued and is part of the prism, ”he explained.

Enrique Villamar and Ann Cyphers. Photos: Juan Antonio López.

The expert pointed out that the African origin and transoceanic migrations is deeply rooted in the collective imagination. "These ideas have been very difficult to shake off."

In excavations carried out over the years in the Olmec sites and when scientifically studying various pieces of that civilization, university archaeologists have not found African artifacts, which is a first line of investigation that discards the origin on that continent.

The second line comes from DNA tests, which before could not be done because there were no Olmec burials, since those they found turned to dust. "We found Olmec burials in our work in San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, and Enrique Villamar Becerril, a collaborator of my group, did the study of mitochondrial DNA," the university explained.

The physical anthropologist Villamar specified that two burials were sampled: one in Loma del Zapote (1,200 BC) and another in San Lorenzo (1,000 BC). "From these two individuals a bone sample was taken from the rib and underwent a procedure to obtain their mitochondrial DNA, the lineage that the mother gives to an individual, because it is more feasible to recover it from archaeological remains."

Villamar obtained the classification of this genetic information, which is called the haplogroup. "The genetic diversity of mitochondrial DNA can be classified according to the similarities that exist in the DNA of various individuals and they may share some mutations that make them different from individuals from other regions of the world."

These distinctions allow defining that an individual belongs to one group or another, and thus mitochondrial DNA is classified into haplogroups. “We obtained the haplogroup of these two subjects and we learned that they belong to haplogroup A, one of the most abundant among the founding and indigenous populations of America.

If they had been Africans, the haplogroup would be L, which is characteristic of the populations of that continent ”, he mentioned. If there were African genetic material in the Olmecs, it would not only be seen in burials, but also in populations that would genetically impact later populations, and haplogroup L (not found here) would have been conserved. "In 300 Mesoamerican burials from different eras, haplogroup L is missing," Cyphers noted.

1. The broad and flattened features of the faces are explained by the fact that the great thrones of the Olmec rulers, which were large prisms, were recycled to make the sculptures. 2. San Lorenzo tenochtitlan, Veracruz.


Regarding the discovery of the colossal head 17, Cyphers acknowledged that “it is something that is not expected. We were looking for houses of the Olmecs and suddenly ... the surprise of the head, it seemed that he was dreaming. Each new thing contributes to changing the perception that one has of what that culture was like ”, he said.

In describing the Olmecs, Cyphers recalls that they were the first civilization of Mesoamerica; powerful rulers and, in a word; a civilization.





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