
Showing posts from November, 2021


EL REQUERIMIENTO  by Juan López de Palacios Rubios (1513)  El Requerimiento, meaning "the requirement, or demand," was drafted in 1513 by Juan López de Palacios Rubios, a member of the Council of Castile, which advised King Ferdinand. The document was designed to be read in Spanish by Spanish explorers to American Indians, introducing them to Christian doctrine. Indians were not compelled to convert, but if they did not, they were immediately subject to Spanish invasion. Transcription from Original EL REQUERIMIENTO On the part of the King, Don Fernando, and of Doña Juana I, his daughter, Queen of Castille and León, subduers of the barbarous nations, we their servants notify and make known to you, as best we can, that the Lord our God, Living and Eternal, created the Heaven and the Earth, and one man and one woman, of whom you and we, all the men of the world at the time, were and are descendants, and all those who came after and before us. But, on account of the m


DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY  The Dum Diversas, the Romanus Pontifex and the Inter Caetera Papal Bulls serve as the basis & justification for the Doctrine of Discovery, the global slave-trade of the 15th & 16th centuries, and the United States government’s Age of Imperialism. When Christopher Columbus first set foot on the white sands of Guanahani island, he performed a ceremony to “take possession” of the land for the king and queen of Spain, acting under the international laws of Western Christendom. Although the story of Columbus’ “discovery” has taken on mythological proportions in most of the Western world, few people are aware that his act of “possession” was based on a religious doctrine now known in history as the Doctrine of Discovery. Even fewer people realize that today – five centuries later – the United States government still uses this archaic Judeo-Christian doctrine to deny the rights of Native American Indians. -ORIGINS OF THE DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY  To und

NOT LATINO/A/X! NOT HISPANIC! (Under Construction) 🚧

WE ARE NOT LATINO, LATINA NOR LATINX. WE ARE NOT HISPANICS BECAUSE WE ARE NOT PROPERTY OF SPAIN. WE ARE NOT FROM SPAIN NOR FROM ANY OTHER PLACE IN EUROPE. WE ARE MEXICA. WE ARE THE ANAHUACA PEOPLE OF ANAHUAC, WHAT IS FALSELY KNOWN AS "NORTH AMERICA". WE ARE MEXICA. WE ARE THE NICAN TLACA PEOPLE OF CEMANAHUAC, WHAT IS FALSELY KNOWN AS THE "WESTERN HEMISPHERE". THIS IS WHAT MAKES US ONE UNITED PEOPLE  A NATION OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Calling ourselves Latino and Hispanics makes us slaves to the colonizers who deny us our right to be a liberated people on our continent. Latinos are the Southern Europeans. We have been fighting Latinos since 1492. Learning the truth will clear our minds of this racist and insane idea that we are property of the "white race". This is why we reject these colonial labels on our people. Not Latino! Not Latina! Not Latinx. Not Hispanic! Not a slave to Southern Europeans or their descendants. Let us break the cycle

NOT RAZA! (Under Construction) 🚧



WHAT IS EUROPEAN COLONIALISM ? European colonialism is a parasite that sucks the blood of a people and continent to sabotage, plunder and rape non-European people of their livelihood. It is the invasion, illegal occupation, division, cultural castration, rape and colonization by racist “white” European squatters who steal and deprive Indigenous people of their natural wealth (the resources of their land). Colonialism is the violent takeover that aims to destroy non-European peoples way of life by committing acts of terrorism to rob, annihilation, and dehumanize the original populations by deliberately and violently killing men, women and children. Colonialism is a violent act of domination to control political, economical and cultural freedom by subjugating and enslaving non-Europeans to European squatters and their interest. It is an illegal settler occupation founded by genocide with Christianity as a weapon to pacify and undermine the human dignity and self d


 ANAHUAC NATION  CRADLE CIVILIZATION Anahuac is one of the world’s first 6 major civilizations where corn was first domesticated as a staple food to become the sustenance of our Nican Tlaca people.  There were 4 great cultural areas that developed throughout Anahuac: Basin of Mexico, Gulf Coast Culture, Valley of Oaxaca, and the Maya Area. All developed as a result of our Mother and Father Olmec culture. Anahuac is home to 7 major civilizations: The Olmeca, Teotihuacan, Tolteca, Mexica, Zapoteca, Mixteca and Maya. Geographically Anahuac refers to Mesoamerica which extends from central Mexico down through Central America. Historically and culturally Anahuac is what is known as North America in which today is divided into 9 colonial regions with artificial colonial border divisions: Canada, U.S, México, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.  Anahuac was the birthplace of sophisticated philosophers, educators, sages, mathematicians, observatories


     THE FOUR DIRECTIONS AND THE EMBODIMENT OF CREATION. This image is a representation of the 5th age and its creative components of the cosmic forces with the gift of life and death.  At the core of our universe generating and conceiving is the sacred symbol of our beloved Mother Omecihuatl (Lady of Duality) who is also known as Tonacacihuatl (Lady of our Flesh) and our beloved Father Ometecuhtli (Lord of Duality) who is also known as Tonacatecuhtli (Lord of our Flesh). Together they are Ometeotl (Sacred Duality), Ipalnemohuani (Giver of Life) and Tloque Nahuaque (Lord of the Near). The volcanic stone face in the center is a Mexica, life and death figure. Throughout the cycles of creation life and death have been and continue to be the essence of our existence. Both are a product of sustenance and renewal. Mictlantecuhtli (Lord of the Dead / Lord of the Underworld) and Quetzalcoatl (Precious Feather Serpent) representing life are shown here with the 4 - directions th


MEXICA CULTURAL IDENTITY AND CONSOLIDATION                              (1325-1521) Mexica is the original term for pronouncing Mexican, Mexicano and Mexicana in our Nahuatl language. Theoretically, Chicano also derives from the term Mexica.  Nahuatl is known to be the most commonly used Nican Tlaca (Indigenous) language in Mexico. Spoken by Mexica centuries ago and continues to be spoken by millions in Mexico and Central America. The Mexica people established a great civilization in Anahuac from 1325 to 1521. The Mexica excelled in science and technology, arts and architecture, language and writing, agriculture and cuisine, medicine and mathematics. Physicians were accomplished herbalists who did medicinal research and doctors were skilled surgeons using knives made of volcanic glass to perform surgery. The Mexica were also the first to provide universal compulsory education to all children regardless of his or her social status. There is an enormous amount of surv


Gigantic head of Hueyápan". Reproduction in the 1877 edition of Mexico through the centuries . Reprography: MAP / Raíces. Ark of Historical Collections of the Francisco Xavier Clavigero Library, Universidad Iberoamericana. DNA studies and the origin of the Olmecs  "Gigantic head of Hueyápan". Reproduction in the 1877 edition of Mexico through the centuries . Reprography: MAP / Raíces. Ark of Historical Collections of the Francisco Xavier Clavigero Library, Universidad Iberoamericana. DNA STUDIES AND THE ORIGIN OF THE OLMECS Enrique Villamar Becerril  Creators of a culture in which they left an original display of prodigious creativity and talent, the first interpretation relative to the Olmecs addressed their possible ethnic origin, based on their most distinctive stone manifestation: a colossal head, Monument A of Tres Zapotes, according to their subsequent classification. The proposal dates back to 1871 when, ironically, the Olmec did not figure in the pano